Get To Know Us!
Alter Ego Coffee Co. was founded on an idea that bridged a gap between those who work on a laptop in a coffee shop, those who seek adventure in the wild unknowns of the world, and those who defend life and freedom at home and abroad.
When a passing conversation between Brad and Caleb gave a spark of inspiration, that took hold and sent the two, along with their wives, down the rabbit hole of small business ownership. That spark took to flame in 2023 when Brad and Sammie, along with Caleb and Jonnah, took the leap and founded Alter Ego Coffee Co in Spokane, WA.
Our mission is simple: source the absolute highest quality coffee from around the world, roast it locally, in small, carefully curated batches, and get it into the hands of coffee lovers everywhere so they can experience life-changing coffee and tap into their own…Alter Ego.
At Alter Ego, we believe good coffee should be shared (ask our friends who field-test our new roasts). To help us share our love and passion, we strive to make an online community for friends, both close to home, and those far away. Please follow us on our social media and tag us in your Alter Ego moments!